Can Therapy Help Your Relationship?

Relationship Help

Psychotherapy is a conventional treatment for mental conditions. In fact, it goes back somewhere to the 1870s. Roots can be traced back as far as the 9th century. In the event treatment is required for a troubled relationship, relationship therapy is a good way to address any problems. This is also known as couples therapy or marriage counseling. With the intervention of a therapist, many a marriage survives. In the early days of the treatment, priests and other medical practitioners operated clinics. Now, the world has come a long way, and dedicated therapists trained to address specific marital issues are the keys to marital solutions.

What Relationship Therapy Means

Since relationship therapy began, its evolution has seen many alterations. In the current day and age, a therapist is trained professionally in various aspects of a relationship. Therapists may work with individuals facing issues in any relationship of an adult nature, not just a marriage. The therapy targets the fact that no single member of the couple in a relationship need conform to any ideas that are preconceived. Today's goal of any relationship therapist is to focus on strengthening and nurturing the relationship, as well as the individuals in it.

Counseling - A Good Way to Resolve Issues (or not)

It should be noted that counseling isn't considered a last resort to saving a marriage. In fact, many couples find visits to a counselor very encouraging in a way to boost a healthy relationship even more. The counselor may help any couple resolve a disagreement and provides everyday solutions that couples may adopt. This is a means to improve physical and mental intimacy between couples. Couples are then prone to understanding each other in a deeper way.

Counseling is a Boon for Couples

Any couple which decides to have counseling can greatly benefit from it. Therapists, through in-depth counseling, work through points of view, and different stages of couples' relationships. They address any areas of disagreement and help couples to come to mutual settlements. Counseling may be sought by any couple, even those who are unmarried. Issues that may be reasons for seeking counseling could be anything from financial disagreements to parental conflicts. Counseling, known to help couples on the brink of a break-up and those who need a mild boost to make any relationship more robust, is a sought-after relationship tool.


Collaborative Therapeutic Services (CTS) wants to help. We offer a variety of counselling and therapy services, hours, and service providers with diverse specializations. We offer evening & weekend appointments in office or by TeleHealth conferencing.

Have questions? Contact Us Here or Call 813-951-7346. Located in Tampa, Florida. Ask us about our new NEUROLEASE® TREATMENT THERAPY - A cutting edge treatment for releasing toxic emotions.